NeoClear Acne Therapy Specialist Q&A
NeoClear Acne Therapy Specialist – Island Medical and Beauty Clinic
Common questions asked by patients: What is NeoClear acne therapy? How do you deal with cystic acne? How does it work? What are the benefits of NeoClear aerolase acne therapy?
Contact Island Medical and Beauty Clinic today. We serve everyone on Oahu, and neighbor island, or anyone who would like, that can come in 1-2 weeks for check ups (certain treatments), or at least do a video call appts, which by the way is also possible for some urgent care needs.
NeoClear is a quick procedure that uses laser technology to the target area to reduce inflammation and destroy bacteria that cause acne. An estimated 50 million Americans experience acne every year. Dr. Lee DO, a board-certified family medicine specialist at Island Medical and Beauty Clinic, provides neo clear acne treatment. If you’ve tried everything to treat your acne but are still having trouble, or if you have cystic acne and you are feeling uncomfortable in your skin, contact our clinic today to learn more about our NeoClear Acne Therapy. We are located at 3470 Waialae Ave STE 6, Honolulu, HI 96816.

Table of Contents:
What is NeoClear acne therapy?
How do you deal with cystic acne?
How does NeoClear work?
What are the benefits of NeoClear acne therapy?
Acne commonly affects the face, back, and chest of teens and adults. For many people, acne is a difficult skin condition to deal with. The severity of acne depends on the person; some people have mild acne while others have severe acne. Acne treatments vary, but most involve changing your diet or taking prescription drugs. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps you fight back against your blemishes.
Effective acne treatments may include antibiotics and dietary changes. In general, patients should avoid common triggers for acne- such as greasy or spicy foods.
Triggers include foods that cause your pores to become blocked and excess sebum production. You can also avoid excess stress and excessive washing, which dehydrates your skin and makes it even more susceptible to breakouts. Additionally, you should avoid topical acne products that contain alcohol, which causes your pores to become blocked even more.
A dermatologist, a doctor who specializes in skin conditions, can examine your skin and diagnose cystic acne.
Acne cysts can be difficult to treat. Because they can leave scars, you should seek advice from a dermatologist rather than trying over-the-counter acne products. A dermatologist can teach you how to treat cystic acne.
It can take three months or more to remove acne cysts. Treatment usually consists of oral antibiotics and applying a prescription topical gel or cream to the skin.
NeoClear Acne Therapy can help with your cystic acne, by targeting the clogged deep pores and over time ensuring your skin is healthy and beautiful.
Acne is a common skin ailment that affects the faces of many young adults. Sufferers of acne experience red areas and pimples on their faces. Some people also have trouble with body acne, which can be extremely painful. Treatment for body acne is not as extensive as treatment for facial acne. Suffixtures to treat cystic acne are available in pharmacies, while over-the-counter treatments work fine for mild to moderate cases of facial acne. Sufferers of both types of acne need to treat their condition to prevent further outbreaks and possible scarring.
A person with cystic acne has large, pus-filled cysts under the skin. The outer layer of the skin can become dry and damaged due to excessive oil production by the cysts.
Pus is a natural result of blocked pores in suffers from cystic acne; this is what makes the cysts appear so swollen. Most sufferers of cystic acne have trouble controlling the amount of oil in their pores. This is why their skin appears oily even when they are not greasy from sweat. In addition, sufferers may experience inflammation of the skin due to excess oil production and bacterial infection. People with this type of acne have an easy time determining whether they’ve suffered a bacterial infection or excessive oil production. Bacterial infection – associated with inflamed nodules – causes pus to ooze out of the resulting cyst when touched. In addition, inflamed nodules- associated with a bacterial infection – can cause fever and other signs of inflammation in sufferers. Sufferers with severe cases of bacterial infection should see a doctor for antibiotic treatment as well as a therapeutic session with a professional massage therapist.
Acne is a common skin problem that can affect people of any age. Most people face acne problems in their teens and twenties. Many people believe that pimples are a sign of skin imperfections. However, there are treatments available for acne-related problems. One such treatment is Neoclear therapy.
In the past, people use leeching to treat acne. This involved removing a small portion of a person’s blood and injecting it into the affected area. Doctors believe this would leech out the excess blood and produce healing effects on the skin. Doctors have developed many different types of injectable treatments over the years. These include benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, and even vaniqa-based products. Doctors have come a long way in treating acne with modern technology, and this includes Neoclear Acne Therapy. Many of the acne treatments available show promise in treating acne, but nothing compares to that of NeoClear Acne Therapy. For more information, contact us. We are located at 3470 Waialae Ave STE 6, Honolulu, HI 96816. We serve patients from Honolulu HI, Pearl City HI, Halawa HI, Aiea HI, Village Park HI, and surrounding areas.