Laser Skin Treatments Specialist Questions and Answers
At Island Medical & Beauty Clinic, our board-certified healthcare Dr. Lee DO provide laser skin treatments to stimulate the production of collagen by vaporizing the skin layer by layer with a short, concentrated beam of light to make the skin look younger and healthier. Laser skin treatment helps to make the skin tighten, improve complexion, smooth out wrinkles, and diminish the appearance of fine lines. Looking and feeling your best is only an appointment away. For more information, call us or schedule an appointment online. We are located at 3470 Waialae Ave STE 6, Honolulu, HI 96816.

Table of Contents:
What are the treatment options for laser skin rejuvenation?
When should I have laser skin treatment?
Why is this treatment done?
Laser skin rejuvenation is a procedure that involves the use of lasers to resurface the skin, leaving the skin with a fresh, and rejuvenated look and feel.
Laser treatments that involve the laser passing through the skin, rather than removing skin, called non-ablative laser treatments, are virtually painless, possibly only requiring a topical numbing cream for comfort.
Fractional lasers, using thousands of tiny beams of laser light energy to treat a small, specific area, can be either ablative or non-ablative treatments.
Fractional laser treatments are commonly used to treat age marks, and other age-related blemishes. A very popular option, explicitly designed for acne removal, is the Aerolase NeoClear laser treatment method. This can be used on all skin types, and is pain free, requires no medication or topical chemical treatment, and has zero side effects.
Aerolase Neo Elite technology is designed to treat a wide range of skin concerns with both the NeoClear and the NeoSkin specialized treatments.
There are several types of laser skin treatment options because there are many different skin conditions, and not one laser treatment can treat all of them, as some are designed for specific aesthetic purposes.
There are also many different types of treatments for certain facial skin conditions. Having a discussion with a skin care professional at Island Medical and Beauty Clinic can help you determine what type might be best for your needs. We are here to answer any questions you have about laser skin treatments, and we will walk you through the process and benefits.
For example, CO2 laser treatments may be suitable to treat scarring, deeper wrinkles, or warts. Those with finer lines and wrinkles, age spots, and skin laxity, on the other hand, may benefit more from Er: YAG, Erbium lasers, as they promote collagen regrowth.
People with broken capillaries, hyperpigmentation, and rosacea would benefit from pulsed-dye lasers, which heat the skin and absorb pigments and reduce redness.
Laser skin rejuvenation therapy is not recommended for darker skin tones. However, for lighter toned African Americans, Hispanic, or Asian skin tones there are safe and effective options, such as Erbium laser resurfacing, as it poses a lower risk of discoloration.
The Aerolase NeoSkin laser treatment is especially effective at restoring skin that has degraded due to natural aging.
Laser skin rejuvenation is performed to both improve the appearance of the skin, by promoting natural skin rejuvenation and stimulating collagen production, and to treat minor flaws. If you are considering the treatment, talk to our team at Island Medical and Beauty Clinic today.
People of all ages can be candidates for laser rejuvenation, and some of the common reasons people seek improvement through laser therapy include:
– Reduce fine lines, and wrinkles around the mouth, forehead and eyes
– Remove, or reduce the appearance of acne or chickenpox scarring
– Remove liver spots
– Repair age or sun damaged skin
– Improve skin tone and color
– Removal of warts
– Birthmark removal
– Angiomas, which are broken blood vessels under the skin
– Psoriasis
– Spider veins
– Unwanted hair removal
Laser rejuvenation therapy is a very versatile tool that can be used to address many other skin concerns in addition to those listed above.
Our highly trained, knowledgeable, and board-certified skincare professionals at Island Medical and Beauty Clinic are proud to provide our community with the best in aesthetic care options, and skin rejuvenation therapies. Call and speak with one of our caring, and friendly staff to arrange your consultation, or visit our website for more information on the wide array of services that we offer. We are located at 3470 Waialae Ave STE 6, Honolulu, HI 96816. We serve everyone on Oahu, and neighbor island, or anyone who would like, that can come in 1-2 weeks for check ups (certain treatments), or at least do a video call appts, which by the way is also possible for some urgent care needs.